Monday, April 19, 2010

This paper's coming along just fine

Sarcasm. Sarcasm.

I have to write a paper for my English class, it's really simple: just a 500-700 word argument on whatever we want to write about. Ugh, why is the easy stuff just so hard to do!? I came up with a topic and although I'm almost done with it, I just can't seem to finish it. I don't really even like what I'm writing anyway... It's about texting and how dumb it is, but I just don't like how I wrote it.

In other non-school related news: Last month I bought Ace Attorney Investigations- Miles Edgeworth. I finished it in about a week and a half. It was pretty good and I was pleasantly surprised. I love the Ace Attorney series, but I don't really care for Edgeworth- who is a prosecutor- the main character's rival. But although I still don't care for Edgeworth too much, I liked his character in the game. A lot of the new characters were interesting and fun, especially my two new favorites Shi-Long Lang and his assistant Shih-na. This game had quite a few surprises that were well...quite surprising!! I would talk about them in more detail, but that would take up too much space and time... The only thing I didn't care for is that it was too easy. I usually have to spend forever thinking up the correct answers in the past AA games, which would then resort to just finding the answer online, but I only had to look up the answers once or twice and other times were to just confirm a hunch I had- which to me, is too easy.

Yay!! :D

Umm, what else...?? I've been really wanting to go to some more conventions, there are quite a few near where I live. There were two last month, both an hour away from me, but nobody could go with me ;_; My sisters both had work, and so did all my other friends. Jessica "conveniently" had to work and then go to a dance performance on the day of the other convention. I just don't understand...Why would she not want to go to an anime convention when she friggin' likes anime and Japanese stuff?! I told her everything that happened at Ohayocon and she kept saying that she wished she could go, but everytime I invite her, she just says no.
Whatever. Anyways, I would like to go to a lot more cons and there are a lot of people I really want to cosplay as. Such as older Ema Skye from the Ace Attorney series (well, Apollo Justice), Shih-na (AAI), Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid), and Megurine Luka (also from Vocaloid). *SIGH*

Thinking about buying a new outfit for Ellie. Just something that's kind of cheap from Dollmore. It's a pink mini dress with a matching lolita style headband, a pair of bloomers, and knee-high socks. I would really like to get her a blonde wig because she looks really cute with them on some of the pictures on Dollmore. On Saturday, I took some pics of her and my Jessica's doll, Liebe, and I stole the blonde wig Jessica bought. She doesn't want me to use it because she's afraid that it'll get tangled up, but I used it anyway, just to see how Ellie looked in it. She looked pretty cute!! :]

Ellie with blonde hair :] I didn't get to touch up the picture yet :\

Jessica's doll, Liebe. I touched up the picture...well, tried.

Oh, I think I forgot to mention that I changed Noel's name to Ellie. I don't know how long this name will last, but I prefer it to Elodie Noel or just Noel. She's too cute and happy to have a drawl name. Not that I don't like the other two names, I just think Ellie is cute for her...for now XD

I'm thinking about selling some old stuff I don't want anymore... I'm having a hard time deciding what I want to sell... Of course, it doesn't help that I'm at school XD Well, I should go now. Enough random blabbering...

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