Monday, April 19, 2010

This paper's coming along just fine

Sarcasm. Sarcasm.

I have to write a paper for my English class, it's really simple: just a 500-700 word argument on whatever we want to write about. Ugh, why is the easy stuff just so hard to do!? I came up with a topic and although I'm almost done with it, I just can't seem to finish it. I don't really even like what I'm writing anyway... It's about texting and how dumb it is, but I just don't like how I wrote it.

In other non-school related news: Last month I bought Ace Attorney Investigations- Miles Edgeworth. I finished it in about a week and a half. It was pretty good and I was pleasantly surprised. I love the Ace Attorney series, but I don't really care for Edgeworth- who is a prosecutor- the main character's rival. But although I still don't care for Edgeworth too much, I liked his character in the game. A lot of the new characters were interesting and fun, especially my two new favorites Shi-Long Lang and his assistant Shih-na. This game had quite a few surprises that were well...quite surprising!! I would talk about them in more detail, but that would take up too much space and time... The only thing I didn't care for is that it was too easy. I usually have to spend forever thinking up the correct answers in the past AA games, which would then resort to just finding the answer online, but I only had to look up the answers once or twice and other times were to just confirm a hunch I had- which to me, is too easy.

Yay!! :D

Umm, what else...?? I've been really wanting to go to some more conventions, there are quite a few near where I live. There were two last month, both an hour away from me, but nobody could go with me ;_; My sisters both had work, and so did all my other friends. Jessica "conveniently" had to work and then go to a dance performance on the day of the other convention. I just don't understand...Why would she not want to go to an anime convention when she friggin' likes anime and Japanese stuff?! I told her everything that happened at Ohayocon and she kept saying that she wished she could go, but everytime I invite her, she just says no.
Whatever. Anyways, I would like to go to a lot more cons and there are a lot of people I really want to cosplay as. Such as older Ema Skye from the Ace Attorney series (well, Apollo Justice), Shih-na (AAI), Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid), and Megurine Luka (also from Vocaloid). *SIGH*

Thinking about buying a new outfit for Ellie. Just something that's kind of cheap from Dollmore. It's a pink mini dress with a matching lolita style headband, a pair of bloomers, and knee-high socks. I would really like to get her a blonde wig because she looks really cute with them on some of the pictures on Dollmore. On Saturday, I took some pics of her and my Jessica's doll, Liebe, and I stole the blonde wig Jessica bought. She doesn't want me to use it because she's afraid that it'll get tangled up, but I used it anyway, just to see how Ellie looked in it. She looked pretty cute!! :]

Ellie with blonde hair :] I didn't get to touch up the picture yet :\

Jessica's doll, Liebe. I touched up the picture...well, tried.

Oh, I think I forgot to mention that I changed Noel's name to Ellie. I don't know how long this name will last, but I prefer it to Elodie Noel or just Noel. She's too cute and happy to have a drawl name. Not that I don't like the other two names, I just think Ellie is cute for her...for now XD

I'm thinking about selling some old stuff I don't want anymore... I'm having a hard time deciding what I want to sell... Of course, it doesn't help that I'm at school XD Well, I should go now. Enough random blabbering...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New post since how long...??

Yeah, it's been awhile. Spring is here, but it's been feeling like summer these past few weeks... Ohayocon is way done and over with, along with two other cons that were right near where I live D: It was fun, although I lost one of my circle lenses two days before the con ;_; I never got to wear them both, just one *sobs*

Spring quarter started 3 weeks ago. I'm taking Ger 203, and in that class, you have to write papers in German. I'm not confident in my grammar at all, so I'm pretty nervous about all that, but my instructor is usually lenient when it comes to writing, which makes me feel a bit better. But still. After this, there are only conversation and composition classes. I'm also taking Bio, Eng, and Rel. Bio is boring beyond reason, mostly because it's too long and while I don't mind my professor, she just drags things out too much, she goes on and on about certain topics. Also, waking up early for 8:30 lab sucks. I hate waking up early...

So yeah, that's about it right now. Too tired to post much of anything else. More later :D